Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Bears...Oh My!

Today, Maddie and I enjoyed a wonderful visit to the Montgomery Zoo with our friends Tanya, Lydia, and Parker. We left out early this morning filled with excitement for the day to come. We had more fun than I could have imagined. Maddie was so entertained by all the animals and you better believe we saw every single animal in that zoo!!!

We started with the turtles. Of course, Maddie called them dogs but they were still cute!

Maddie and Lydia checking out the bear.

This guy is catching some rays!

We then moved on to the Squirrel Monkeys. Maddie felt that she needed to stand in her stroller in order to get a better view. :)

One of her favorites of the day were the flamingos. We made several trips by the flamingo exhibit and each time she had to crawl out of her stroller and over to the fence to check them out.

I like to call this the "Mom, what in the world is that?" look. Honestly, it is part rabbit, part antelope, and a very strange looking animal at that.

Next we visited the cougar. Maddie called out "hey kitty kitty" every time he walked in front of us.

Lydia and Maddie were both curious about this beautiful Bald Eagle.

The kiddos checking out the gigantic snapping turtle. Isn't this adorable?

Checking out the lions.

and the giraffes!

We also took a train ride around the zoo!

They also had a huge playground!

Next we visit the Mann Museum. This exhibit was extraordinary!

We ended the day by visiting the monkeys!

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